Street furniture for ecodistricts layouts
In a pragmatic way, an ecodistrict is built, in a urban environment, in order to limit human impact on environment. Then, we must consider all daily life aspects. Thus, street furniture for ecodistricts must be thought globally. This distrist is totally conceived and organized in a sustainable development way. Like for parks and gardens, many areas of expertise are requested. In addition, this notion must respect defined rules and answer precise criteria.
ATECH will bring its expertise on the greening spaces part but, also, on street equipment. Our experience will allow you to acquire outdoor furniture answering sustainable criteria.
Plants are in the heart of the process, as well as the needs of the ecodistrict’s inhabitants. It results in finding solutions answering these practical and technical criteria.


Bespoke street furniture for ecodistrict
Aware of the challenge and the constant rise of environmental criteria and standards, we adapt ourselves. Thus, if the offered standard furniture doesn’t fit your needs, the bespoke furniture will.
You will have the choice among solid materials, sustainable and recyclable. You’ll also have the choice of the shaped and the function: suspend plants and make them grow beyond or in the ground.
Ecodistricts are refreshing cities
Landscaping green spaces and, then, ecodistricts or green flows, is a massive challenge.
Indeed, we must keep in mind that plants have a refreshing function for city and that equipments must favour recycling and soft modes of travel.
Eventually, bins, cycle racks and planters become indispensable.